Hay Crops / Pastures

Hay Crops and Pastures

tifton, bermuda, coastal, alfalfa, native pastures

Application Rates/Methods:

  • Soil: Sandy soil 1 quart to the acre, clay or high organic matter soil 12.8 ounces to the acre.
  • In furrow with seed at planting if possible.
  • Foliar (drench): 12.8 ounces to 1 quart to the acre  at “heading” or grain filling stage

Repeat foliar application following each cutting.

Can be applied through an irrigation methods.


  • Stronger, healthier plant
  • Increased fine feeder roots resulting in improved water and nutrient uptake
  • Increased digestible protein, crude protein and crude fiber

For Best Results in Agricultural Application:

  1. Ensure tank is free of residue, avoid chlorinated water if possible
  2. Do not apply when a crop is severely stressed
  3. Do not mix with fungicides or insecticides and do not apply within 2 weeks of applying fungicides

May be mixed with a 2,4-D herbicide.